Who Are We

We are a governance, risk and compliance firm. We help you Re-Define your risks - beyond the traditional. We prevent, control and govern and offer a Prism of Perspectives

Our 360 degree Governance, Risk and Compliance Solutions derived from our rigorous data analytics with cutting edge technology and our own proprietary data built over years of research, provide robust business continuity strategies to our clients

Our motto is to deliver world class services with integrity.

Why Partner With Us

Access to a combined 200 years of expertise, supplemented by an agile team of young and highly qualified team of analysts provides a seamless customer experience.

The diversity of skill set and experience of our leadership team helps us to give to our clients, gamut of perspectives on the different implications of business risk and legal policy changes.

We are a distinguished leader in the industry and a dependable partner for our clients globally.

We are certified with ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Management System.

Our Focus Sectors

Aviation & Aerosapace


Infrastructure & Construction

Power Sector

Real Estate

Oil and Natural Gas

Insurance and Banking





Start Ups


Technology Companies



Automobile Leasing


Logistics & Supply Chain

Renewable Energy

Utilities & Critical Infrastructure

Energy & Natural Resources

Life Sciences

Mobility of the Future



The WoRisGo Advantage

  • We look at events, incidents and all operations holistically
  • We bring cross functional expertise
  • We blend technology with muscle memory processes
  • We use proven processes and methodologies to respond quickly
  • We view the same situation from inside and outside the box
  • We always look at key assets first and leave nothing to chance
  • We understand multiple geographies in all its nuances
  • We use deeper understanding of the ecosystem, opportunities and threats
  • We follow global standards yet have a feel for local practices
  • We are your partners in managing risk
  • We tell you things you did not already know
  • We deploy globally consistent platforms for accessing insights and tools anywhere and anytime

Code of Conduct

Policy Release Date 09 Aug 2016
Policy Owner WoRisGo
Last Reviewed in 1 June 2024
Next Review in 1 June 2026
Version 1.6

The WoRisGo Code of Conduct reflects the high standards of ethical business conduct that the Company enforces in its operation. It is for them to bear in mind their personal responsibility to the Company to follow the Code of Conduct in both spirit and letter.

APPLICABILITY: The code is applicable to the employees, consultants, interns, attorneys, management trainees and contractors of WoRisGo in all locations.

HONESTY, INTEGRITY AND RESPECT: We are expected to be honest and use the highest levels of integrity in all we do. Honesty and integrity are to be demonstrated even when no one else is looking. We gain trust of our customers and clients by treating others with dignity, honesty, respect, and fairness. We will continue to demonstrate these values in all our interactions every single day.
As colleagues we should be open, transparent, and respectful of others and understand that their work is as important as our work.

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: Our clients may have demands on our time and we are expected to excel in customer satisfaction. We must strive to give every project, every case, every client interaction the very best. There must be passion in everything we do. We must strive to meet client, partner and customer expectations of privacy, quality, reliability, approachability, and business integrity.
Our dedication, hard work and sincerity to our work is reflective in our personality. We must continue to strive and improve our craft and critically assess what we could have done better.

DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: We strive to have a diverse workforce and create a business environment which enables us to attract, retain and nourish talent. It is this talent which leads to quality delivery and customer delight.
We respect and acknowledge the diverse customs, cultures, and business practices we encounter in the international marketplace.
We cannot act in a manner that could be perceived as discriminatory, threatening, intolerant, disrespectful or demeaning.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Our consultants work at a variety of client locations. Several client policies govern our work in those locations. We are bound by all client policies as well as the policies of WoRisGo.

During any review, we are required to fully cooperate with management. We will completely, truthfully, and promptly comply with all requests for information, including but not limited to interviews, files, phone records and documents, during such a review. As an employee, consultant, retainer, intern at WoRisGo we have access to and / or may develop intellectual property. Upon being a part of WoRisGo, we assign all rights relating to our creation of intellectual property to WoRisGo. This intellectual property includes but is not limited to inventions, ideas, software, publications, templates, publications, and other materials that relate to WoRisGo practice areas. If you must leave the company for any reason, including retirement, we are duty bound to return all WoRisGo property, including documents, emails and all media which contain WoRisGo proprietary information. It is pertinent to note that WoRisGo's ownership of intellectual property that has been created while you were an WoRisGo retainer/attorney/consultant/intern continues after you leave the company.

FAIR TRADE PRACTICES: We will compete fairly. WoRisGo sells our products and services solely on their merits. We will not mislead our potential customers/client by giving incorrect information about our competitors, their products, and their services. We will ensure any comparisons to competitors are an accurate representation of their services and products and no intentional misrepresentation is slipped in. We will not enter agreements with competitors to set prices; limit approaches; or divide up customers or slice up markets.

CONFIDENTIALITY: Our clients share various confidential information with us. We respect our legal, moral and ethical responsibilities to protect client information. We do not discuss client information with those who do not need to know.
We restrict the access, storage and printing of confidential information to a need to know basis. Clients give us a variety of confidential information and it is imperative we treat all information with confidentiality.

SOUND JUDGEMENT: We are required to use sound judgement, ethical conduct and discretion when considering giving gifts or accepting gifts/hospitality in business settings. These customs and regulations may differ from country to country. We are required to not just follow the law of the land but also in compliance to the giver/receiver's organisational policy requirement.

ANTI BRIBERY: A kickback, a bribe or anything that can be perceived with a corrupt intent is strictly prohibited. Additionally, certain ethical restrictions may also be considered hiring a consultant or employee or intern who is related to a government officer with whom WoRisGo or an existing client has direct business. This embargo applies for 6 months after such a business engagement is over. WoRisGo consultants neither receive nor give bribes.
In addition to local laws on bribery and corruption, the United Kingdom Bribery Act and the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act may also apply to WoRisGo and its consultants. WoRisGo and its consultants shall take all possible measures to comply with these laws. Reporting requirements apply to all violations.

DISCLOSURES FOR M&A: When working with listed companies, we need to ensure we treat their confidential information with the highest care. This would include information of M&A, research notes, news of large-scale investments in the market that can potentially be perceived as inside information. If we know that the client is planning a major joint venture, a merger or an acquisition we will not trade in that security and keep this information confidential. This embargo shall be for 45 days. Additionally, the consultant is required to disclose all personal trading accounts.
Our full time retainers/employees/consultants/lawyers as well as other administrative and para legal staff are expected to give a complete prior disclosure of the work that they wish to undertake outside the aegis of the offices of WoRisGo either individually or in association with another office, and WoRisGo shall have the right to restrict undertaking of any such work in its entirely and/or shall have the first right to refusal with regard to any such work.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: An obvious conflict of interest is aiding a client or an organisation that markets its products and services which are in competition with our products and services. We will not, without the written and approved consent of WoRisGo management work for or engage with such an organization in any capacity.

SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE: While on social media we can make clear our company details, affiliation and will not write/blog and give out details that are confidential. Writing in public forum, for journals, periodicals and newspapers is encouraged but must be accompanied with a disclaimer that “Views are personal and not official company statement".

MEDIA POLICY: We understand that there might be instances when the electronic or print media might approach us for our views. Only the CEO are authorised to speak to the media and respond to queries. In the absence of the CEO, a call back number will be taken, and management will be updated about the media query.

HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT [HSE]: We endeavour to clearly communicate our HSE commitments, responsibilities and performance to our employees, our contractors and the public and we will provide information to all relevant parties on the safe use, handling, transportation, storage, recycling, reuse and dispose of our materials, products and wastes.

POLICY ADHERENCE: Non-compliance to the code will attract disciplinary action which can be a combination of loss of compensation, extra working hours, cessation of working relationship/consulting/service (whatever is applicable) and legal action, if necessary. Employees, interns, consultants or management trainees who become aware of or suspect a that a violation of company policies particularly laws of the land are under an obligation to report the same to senior management. Reporting is not governed by hierarchy and the consultant can directly approach the head of legal and/or risk management at their respective emails/phone number.